Mon Oct 28 13:50:04 UTC 2019

I am so excited for today.  I woke up at 4 am and didn't remember
where I was. Then it was so dark I went ahead and went back to
sleep for an hour.  I'm staying downtown and it's so fancy everywhere.
I'm feeling very out of place.

The conference updates I'll make in another post under the LISA19
directory.  So far though I'm so impressed and also kind of

So here's the recap of Day 0 of the conference aka yesterday,

The member assembly meeting went well. We had almost forty people.
Definitely the most we've had in a long long time. It made me really
happy and also very nervous.  I was able to socialize with all the
regulars and make them feel welcome I hope.  Being board President
is not as easy or fun as I had  hoped.  I hope someone else wants
the job next year.  I'd do it if they asked me to though.  I did
trivia and that went over well.  Everyone laughed a few times, and
I got embarrassed enough times. I think that my genuine delivery
approach worked, but not as well as it has in the past.  I had to
cut out too much hard content so that we could fill time.

I called a Lyft to get to the airport. Ismael comes in a Honda
CR-V. He opens up the back and from there i am able to load my
luggage.  I over stayed at the assembly meeting, and now I am
running late. Anxiety starts its dance through my body. What if I
miss this flight? As we drive Ismael asks if I speak Spanish. I
apologize for not speaking Spanish much.  I was able to ask him
about his kids, and how they were doing. He was very proud of all
three of them.  We didn't speak much after that. Language vexes me
so  much. I want to learn it but I am too embarrassed to do the
immersive thing to learn it.  One day, one day. We approach the
terminal and it is 1:55 my flight leaves at 2:50. Cutting it close.
I get inside and miraculously there is only one person ahead of me
at the counter. I check my bag and rush over to the security line.
estimated wait time is 7 minutes. Oh gosh what does this do to my
flight. I ritualistically remove my belt, loosen up my shoes, and
take my laptop out of my backpack.  All of this I am so used to
that it seems strange the people ahead aren't preparing themselves.
The wait rolls on.  A guy walks up behind me he's got a backpack
with a Toshiba logo on it. I start up friendly conversation. Turns
out he has 3 laptops in his carry on stuff so he's prepared for a
long wait. Security was quick and friendly. It was a real surprise.
I think flying at 4 am has jaded my expectations.  I put my shoes
back on in line grabbing my stuff and head to the terminal. It was
my smoothest security checkpoint yet. Pretty proud of myself there.
I check with the gate to confirm departure time and boarding
procedure. I usually fly southwest, so flying Alaska was very fancy.
They do boarding groups, but I couldn't hear them over the PA so
I just went on after the line was really short.  The people I sat
next to were sad to see a big fat guy coming to sit in the window
seat.  The flight was turbulent but quiet. My legs were upset at
having to be closed together for so long.

Landing at Portland was neat. I was very excited. I used my trusty it's 10 bucks but has worked in New York, Seattle,
Austin, and now Portland. It's so helpful when you need or want to
ride public transit.  It does drain your battery though, so be
careful. I got my bag, and grabbed a ticket for the train. the
ticket or the train something is called HOP and they appropriate
the IHOP logo for it. Was really weird, I'm not sure how or why
that's Ok.  Anyway it was my lucky day the train was just about to
leave when I got there. It dropped me off about 2 blocks from the
hotel.  On my way I saw a mom and a little girl and the girl wanted
a hug and to be picked up. She picked her up and gave her a hug.
I was looking at street signs and smiling at people. She and her
kid asked me if I had change for the bus. I gave them a 20 and told
them I hoped it could get them a pass and stuff. She was so happy
and her daughter was dancing too. It was very wholesome, and I am
only documenting it here because my memory is bad, and I'll forget
if I don't write it down.  I'm glad work paid for the flight and
hotel, because it means I can do that kind of stuff.

Ok, so last bit I've taken a bit too long.  After I dropped off at
hotel I walked over to the Marriott for the LISA registration.
After I registered I brought my bag back to the hotel and left
again to find food.  I was recommended PokPok but it was too far
away to walk. I explored and stopped at a rite aid. Bought some
post cards, and a power strip. Then went to a Thai place called
Bangkok palace. was good the curry wasn't too hot, but was nice.
I got a local beer, but it had gone sour. I'll have to get a beer
at a brewery sometime while I am here.

The hotel is very fancy, really everything here is very fancy. It
is weird to me.  It's not bad just different. I was really out of
place when I visited Ristretto Roasters, so I couldn't even sit
and work on my laptop. I wandered around.  Ok now i really have to
go. talk to you tomorrow :D