Tue Nov 29 03:06:26 UTC 2022

# Location: Home
# Input Device: Voice and Keyboard
# Audio: Unknown Hum from Above
# Visual: Messy Desk
# Energy: low sleepy
# Mental: fuzzy warm
# Emotional: mellow worried a little

Main events for today were doing laundry going to have Dolsot
bibimbap at the Korean restaurant and going to the dentist. More
mundane things that were good were using the to do list board
successfully for most of the tasks. I did not do one hour of
studying or one hour of documenting, but I blame the dentist

I really find myself being frustrated and quick to anger and when
talking to friends, it seems that perhaps I just am burned out or
stressed. I tend to agree. It just doesn't feel like a normal
burn out to me. I'm afraid that this might be the big one where I
suddenly find myself looking to change careers. I've been at the
same job same company anyway for 15 years, can I make it another
five? I'm not making any plans, but I am definitely going to make
the most of this Christmas break this year.

There's a special Zen or meditative state that you enter into
when you've resigned yourself to be in pain for an extended
period of time. I haven't gone to that place mentally several
years. I wonder if there are people that never have gone there. I
wonder if they're people that live there all the time.We're all
suffering or trying to avoid suffering. After I finish getting my
dental work done I think I'm going to talk to a dental insurance
place and see how much it is for an individual. I suspect that of
the people I know who need dental work if I were to offer up
dental insurance, and to pay, I don't know a few hundred or so
towards dental work. That might make their life better. Kind of a
weird thing right? I don't want to inflict pain on people, but I
do know how horrible dental pain is.

These are my thoughts before going to sleep. Thanks for reading
and I'll see you and com or on mastodon.
