# Photography, future, halted spring, DOS-games


I've been pretty overwhelmed with some things at work the last couple of
months, and now it seems like it finally is going to let up a bit. There
are so much to do, but I have a hard time keeping up.

This has led to me changing some of my habits in my private-life which
is not a good sign. I have stopped reading so much, I have had a hard
time finding time to be social with friends and family and I have
stopped doing photography for extended periods of time.

Now I have finally started picking up photography again, and I've
ordered some film that I will shoot during the spring and summer.  I am
looking forward to this!

I've also spent a lot of time thinking about the future. I feel like I'm
stuck in some ways, and my job does not feel as stimulating anymore.
I've been asisgned a lot of mroe customer facing activities than I'm
used to, and it is a great source of stress for me. I cannot concentrate
well, and I have too many meetings. I've talked about this with my boss,
and he seems to unsderstand, but I'll have to finish up what I've
started anyway.  I have been thinking about other plans for work. Maybe
IT is not a field I will stay in forever? I'd like to keep it as a hobby
of course; I will probably never lose interest in computers in general,
but I kind of hate the business-side of it. Meetings, office-culture,
suits. It feels frustrating and dumb to me.  I hate to participate in
these weird rituals that seems to exist to hinder any kind of deep
thinking or concentration. I've also begun thinking about how I want to
live in general in the future. I'm not getting younger, and in general I
have very little that ties me to this city other than friends and
family.  If I could maintain thoes relationships even if I'm not living
as centrally as I do now, I think I would be happier in some ways. I
would like to have a garden and a house with some space for my hobbies
and activities. I'm renting a cellar-space near my apartment in the city
now, and it costs almost as much as the apartment itself per month!

Spring has been delayed as well it seems. During tuesday we had great
weather here, and I was very happy and went for a long walk on my
lunch-hour. The sun was shining and it felt like spring was finally here
for real. The next day we had several decimeters of snow on the ground.
It has been like that for two days now without any signs of it letting
up. Bummer, I had just hung my winter-coat in the storage closet. Looks
like I'll have to get it out again.

My disk-archival-project is going well. I've ordered some new disks to
dump, and I've worked on the large box of amiga-disks that I aquired
last month. It's getting there. I've found some interesting stuff to run
on my 486DX2 that I've assembled earlier this year, and it has been a
great source of amusement for me. I'll likely continue to test software
on it going forward. It is running well with the GOTEK and CF-card
readers. I need to publish some of the more exotic and fun things I've

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