# Migration on openbsd.amsterdam, spring thoughts


The server where I host this gemini capsule was recently migrated to a
new host on openbsd.amsterdam. Sadly I also forgot to update the
DNS-record for this server, so it has been unavailable for a few days.
It's fixed now though, and everything should work as intended again.
Took the opportunity to patch the system and reboot it as well.

Spring is finally here, and I've been spending more time in the woods
and in the mountains nearby with my backpack and boots. Me and a few
friends did some hammock-camping for a night, which was very refreshing.
The weather was nice and the temperature pleasant. We had a wonderful
view and some nice food to go with us.

I've also been doing some enlargements in the lab lately.  It's starting
to turn out pretty good. I need to get some filters and materials, but
other than that, I'm pleased with the progress I've made so far. Will
probably share some photos here soon.

The content for this site is CC-BY-SA-4.0.