Long time, no update. I've been on vacation, and enjoying it :)

Most of my time has been spent out in the nice weather. It has been
really great during August up here, and I've been trying to take
advantage of that. I got a new fishing rod and have been out in the
woods by different lakes for a few hours a day. I've also been doing
some local tourism. I visited a nearby town and spent the night in an
old hotel there, and spent two days going out to the parks and sights in
the area, photographing and reading.  It was very refreshing! I had my
laptop with me, but I barely used it.

I've also started dating again. I met a girl that I want to be serious
with, and we have been spending a lot of time together doing things like
cooking, watching movies and TV-series and going out into the woods
looking for mushrooms and just enjoying nature. I really hope it will
turn into something serious, but for now I'm just enjoying my time with
her and getting to know her.

I've been toying with the idea of setting up a gemini-mirror for this
phlog as well; I have a host running on the OpenBSD.amsterdam hosting
service, and it has only been used to serve a template site via HTTP and
a mirror of this gopher hole. Gemini seems to be an exciting project,
and I have been following it sporadically during the last few months and
seen some interesting stuff emerge.
