Hello, dear phlog!

Today has been a busy day. I was scheduled for a
work-related trip to Stockholm today, and I had
to get up around 0600 to make it to the train.
The train-ride itself was pretty comfortable,
even though we hadn't booked any seats. There
is usually an "unreserved" car that you can
occupy so that you don't have to move if
another passenger comes and you're in their
seat. I used my laptop to play some Doom
and surf the internet while riding the
roughly two hours from my hometown to

I had two colleagues with me, and it
was pretty nice. The train-car wasn't
that occupied, even though there usually
are a lot of commuters by this time. We
arrived in Stockholm and took a cab to
the office where we met our other colleagues
and had a look at the new fancy office.

For lunch, we went out and got
burgers a nice place called
"bun meat bun". A nice pun, wouldn't you say?
They had cheesefries that were to die for!

After lunch, we loitered around town for
a bit. We visited a few record stores and
bought some cheap vinyl-records. Then
we returned to the office for a short
while of productivity before it was
time to go back to the station and
take the train home again.

Even if I usually hate these kind of
social trips, this was kind of nice.
It's nice seeing the colleagues that
we talk to each day over slack face
to face, and it's nice to get a change
of environment from our usual office.
Not that Stockholm is that much of a
difference from our usual environment
but it's different nontheless.

Since I got home I've been sitting in
the livingroom sofa and listened to
the records I bought, as well as some
others I had from before. Meanwhile
reading the newspaper and looking through
a nice photobook that I have long put
off opening. It's called "A day in the world"
and features a global photoproject conducted
in 2012. Basically, people could at a given
date, take some pictures of the daily life
and send it in to the publishers, and
perhaps get their work into the book.

I've also been sipping in a sour-beer
from a local brewery for a while now,
which I have to say was quite enjoyable.

I realize that a lot of stuff in this
post makes me seem like a total hipster.
I'm not, promise! At least, I don't
think I am...?
