October 15 2018
Well - here we are, again.

Thought I was pretty much done with Gopher and phlogging after my home
server gave up the ghost some time back and I just let it be.  I had been
reading about these waning days of the Age of Oil and finding it hard to
justify the vanity of a home server running 24/7/365 just so a handful
of misfits like myself could have yet another gopherhole to explore.

Additionally, in the years since launching the home server I've developed
a genuine loathing of social media and it's amplifying effect on the
wired world's already substantial narcissism.  Why contribute to it?
What's the point?  Humans generally aren't swayed by most of what they
read and even if something does resonate it generally doesn't result
in persistent change.  We believe whatever gets us through the days,
the simpler the better.

Why should I bother talking and writing about the urgent need for a
radical simplification in the way we live on this planet if we want it
to continue to be a livable place in the universe?  It's like trying
to sell Amish Living to the masses; it's a hard sell.

But so it's a hard sell, so what?  What else could be more important
right here and now?  It's not like I've anything better to do anyway,
why not try to reach of few gopherheads that just maybe can think for
themselves and see why the current way of the world is not long for this
world, what's likely waiting down the road, what can be done about it?

So that's the rationale for this phlog, to talk about transitioning
ourselves and our societies to ways that are more sustainable and
hopefully more resilient as we head into our turbulent future.