On the destructive power of agile methodology

Fear not, fellow developers, you are to be brave and strong and also a bit, nay, a lot like a saleman now.
How many times must you stumble upon a self-validating handful of architect/fuckcunt of a douche while you're
forced to "present" your "work" of the last "sprint", while being bombarded with question similarly as if
you were naked in front of a soccer goal at practice. Isn't some form of intimidation ?

The toxic potential of such activity takes me hours, sometimes days to recover from: makes me feel like shit.

Feeling like shit :

1. Unvalued
2. Demotivated
3. Doomed to endure an infinite circle jerk / echo chamber while showing off your stuff, that's never good enough or exactly what they want

Nobody says or do anything about this fucking cabal.

Software development can be fun, but this make it so much like shit it might as well be a putrid pile of dejection.

Either it is time to leave, or time to figure something else out. I used to be a mason, maybe I can go back to my love of bricks.

Godspeed to us all,
