DATE: 31/10/2009


Once upon a time a long way away the internet was interesting in a nerdy kind of way, but
those days have long gone ad commercialism has blackened the heart of the medium. So many
sites I have forgotten and so many names have washed away and grown old much like myself.
Now the greybeards are lost and liveing in the corners of the internet like moles in the
dark underground tunnels never seen and never seeing for never caring so never evolving.

Custodians of Diversity

The sameness of facebook  and myspace , I must tm those names of course nowadays the mere mention
breaks copyright law and attracts lawyers to the scent of compensation, and all the other
descendadents of the BBS blanket the world in a beige canopy blocking the view of the
people to the wonderful diversity of the internet. Deprecated is the word that is uttered
when the venerables are trotted out for reminiscence or toted for usage even by some more
thoughtful users. But millions are made by offering webalized versions of old inventions
without compensation for the original thinkers in the name of advancement, however these
forums are mere advertisement boards as ad revenue is the driving force of the commercial

Behemoth, think Google, once the hacker and now the monster dictator even warring against
that other tyrant, once hacker Microsoft. Perhaps this is the way of things. Trust for the
Open Source crowd then? Why when all others who reached success before them dissembled
into their true form at the altar of greed? Who can you say is the true spirit of the

Those who tend the eternal flame? Those who worship at the forum, those acolytes? Those
who liver forever in it's comforting shell or those who seek knowledge from the global
community? Those whose aims are true and fair in the pursuit of purity in form, those
who are obsessed with perfection, truth and beauty? The poets who express the true
medium, the expression on the electrons and quanta? The joe soaps and jane does who
inhabit the hideaways and log cabins of the internet furtively cataloging the conversations
and rants. Hackers, crackers, flamers, noobs and users. The 3L33T, uber-hackers, the
text writers and guide writers.  All commercialised and all gone to soulless grey.