
To start off, here is how it goes...
% will mean your basic bash shell ready to take your commands
file will mean your music-file-name ending with the extension (eg. file.mp3 or file.ogg)
       also it might be (eg. file1.mp3 file2.mp3 and/or file3.wav) that sort of thing.
result will mean that it is the finished product.


Basically this is just going to list a few of the commands that I use every once in a while and
often forget or have to spend 10 minutes trial and error to re-learn. Well, here goes...
Enjoy, have fun, play around, mix up, combine, change these commands, and see what else you can come up with.

To make mp3 into ogg
% ffmpeg -i file.mp3 -acodec vorbis -aq 60 -ac 2 -ar 44100 result.ogg

This next one will do the same command as above but with one difference,
it will work on every mp3 in the (current) directory.
"  same as above but in a '"for" loop'  "
% for X in *.mp3; do ffmpeg -i "$X" -acodec vorbis -ac 2 -ar 44100 -aq 60 "${X//.mp3/.ogg}"; done
% for X in <path/to/directory/*.mp3> <second/path/to/use/*.wav>; \
% do ffmpeg -i "$X" -acodec vorbis -ac 2 -ar 44100 -aq 60 "${X//.mp3/.ogg}"; done
% for X in *.mp3; do ffmpeg -i acodec vorbis -ac 2 -ar 44100 -aq 60 "<path/to/new/directory${X//.mp3/.ogg}; done


What is happening in these commands:
It is saying to ffmpeg: take the "-i"nput song_name, use the vorbis audio codecs,
"-ac" (audio channel?) 2 (for sterio sound), "-ar" (resample at 44100Hz),
"-aq 60" (audio quality for vorbis codecs), finally the last bit is the output name of the song.

The others are saying to ffmpeg: roughly the same as the first command is but also to
do this for every song in the specified directory. In other words, every song will be
changed into an ogg file.