
I stumbled across a youtube video (I guess I'm watching too much youtube these days) where this guy was showing how he is replacing his phone with a little notebook. He states that he now carries this notebook everywhere (along with a pencil) writing down anything that comes to mind, including grocery stores, phone numbers, but also any ideas that pops up. I really like the idea and I am tempted to try out but not sure if I would be so disciplined. I have already a little notebook that my wife gave to me as a christmas gift. The cover is a k7 tape and I think is really cool (I guess she knows my tastes), but it was empty until now. Maybe it's a good use for it.

I'm also considering building a personal website for my stuff here in sdf. I have been stalking some websites here and they look very cool.

Today was work all day and routine stuff - pick up kids in school, groceries, take my wife to a doctor appointment for the meet and greet (we finally got a family doctor, yup!)

Listening: The Evens - The Evens (2005)
Thing I learn today: that root beer was a thing (I honestly didn't like the taste)
