This is my fake news page.   The goal here is to try to offer
the best non-sense money can buy.


I wish this were fake news yet.

just imagine.


Here in the U.S.  I don't consider myself the most profissional,
nor the most responsibile. yet I am wondering "Is anyone
who works there actually SHOWING UP to work?

Suburbian pothead organizes a mass movement to require
Cheech & Chong movies shown at all schools & Demand Cheech & Chong
history month.

The Intergalactic Libertarian Space Cowboy movement has disclosed
important information that Joe Biden's REAL name is MAX HEADROOM.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump recieve Nobel Peace Prizes from
time traveler candidate in 2o24.

Joe Biden has proved to millions around the world that Gravity is
Real and the News is fake.
Donald Trump said Professional Wrestling is real and politics is

Donald Trump receieves another charge of failure
to completely demolish the GOP.

Dr. Ben Carson discovers that Joe Biden was born without
a brain.

Political Parties in America
declare non-voters as having the most dangerous ideas.
