When you ask people that are successfull, what is the cause of your
success, they will tell you that you only have to work really hard,
and then you can accomplish anything.

This sounds generous and selfless, but it is not.

If everyone starts off at an equal footing, and some people are
successfull and some are not, it is tempting to belive that the
successfull people worked harder, that they deserve their success,
while most people, are responsible for their own lack of success, or

In the current time and age, we are raised trough popular culture to
belive that it is more fair that everyone is treated equally, that
everyone is given the same oportunities, and then whatever anyone
manage to do with their lives is ultimately no less, and no more than
what they deserve.

But what if people are not equal? If pepole are not equal in
abilities, if some person must work harder to attain the same goals,
as someone else, or if some goals are completely unattainable for some
while for others it is not. Well, then people will inevitably acheive
at different levels.

If people are not equal in abilities and judgment, then freedom
becomes justification to isolate ourselves from others destiny,
be it good or bad.

Sometimes pepole desperately need guidance, or even intervention.

This is why elites benefit more from an egilitarian system then the
masses does. Not because it enables them to succeed, but because it
justifies their position, while they enjoy the individual freedom and
lack of responsibility.

And this is why everyone loves the underdog; he gives the masses
foolish hope, while the elites sit comfortably in their shining towers
thinking that they are the underdog that won.
