It's 2 January, 2020, and I'm writinng this using the text editor pico (1989), to post to my gopherhole

I'm enrolled in a coding school called Launch School, and here is where I intend to summarize my
learnings.  Why gopher?  No good reason, except that I find the 'modern' web exhausting, and after
wasting a whole bunch time trying out the latest and greatest (and more esoteric) static site generators,
found that the small pleasure of just writing text, in a place not easily found or accessed, felt the
most comfortable.

I was on the internet pretty early (1993) but somehow missed gopher in it's heyday.  Too busy playing
MUDs back then.  I'll be 50 later this month, so I'm an old dog learning new (and old) tricks!

I have resolutions:
- Emacs/Org integration in my daily workflows
- complete Launch School's core curriculum
- document LS lessons
- when I get around to it, set up my own self-hosted gopherd/"slow web" site
- quilting site and finish that first one!

Well, stop  messing around with this and get on with it.