* <<H97.0539>>
It's hard to know what to do about a country like North Korea. If we
hold that military intervention should always be a last resort, what
action can actually effect change in the regime? Economic sanctions?
The country is already underfed, and the small amount of foreign
money that comes in is immediately gobbled-up by the state anyway.
So, imposing economic sanctions on a country like North Korea only
serves to starve the civilians. Is that the idea? We want to
impoverish and starve the population so that they'll revolt against
their government and abolish it? That may have worked in the days of
pitchfork and torch revolutions, but when the state you've got to
rebel against has automatic rifles, bombs, tanks, and jets ...

Excerpted from:

©2017 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>