* <<H6A.1197>> Why I draw with GIMP.
First, the antialiasing on the ink tool is unbelievable. Even in
indexed-color mode, with no antialiasing, it's a great tool; I have
just two presets, and I do everything with them. My main preset gives
me a fantastical virtual pen-brush, an in-between tool that's stiff
under light pressure, flowing under heavy pressure — it's like a
Hunt 107 nib that morphs into a #2 sable brush the harder you press.
My other preset is for lettering: very "stiff", about 35° obliquity,
oval nib.

Second, the free transform tool makes it easy to do any scaling,
rotation, shearing, perspective transformations that I need to, and
the resampling algorithm is absolutely top-notch. Sometimes, in a
pinch, I need to scale some line-art by just three-to-five percent;
normally, that's a sure way to take the crispness out of lines while
introducing some ugly artifacts, but the resampling in GIMP is so
good that I don't have to fret over line quality loss much anymore.
If I need my lines ~really~ crispy, I can do a very low-key unsharp
mask filter after the transformation, but nine times out of ten it's
unnecessary to do that.

Excerpted from:

©2017 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>