* <<GBO.1383>> Right/Left wackos
.. I just don't know what to make of this vicious culture clash
going on between the (formerly) alt-right and the regressive (sic)

Earlier in the year, I found myself being utterly disgusted by
"right"-leaning people online casually throwing around racial slurs
as if they were "just words", in some juvenile attempt to wind people
up without any consideration of the cultural implications of that
kind of behaviour.

Now I find myself being utterly disgusted by the "left"-leaning
people who self-righteously vilify and bully people who, however
wrong-headedly, practice their right to free speech.

You can't fight fascism with fascism. You've got people on both sides
calling each other the same – and for good reason!

"Regressive left" must be a misnomer, mustn't it? It must have
started-out as a play on the aptly-named regressive right ...but
there's nothing regressive about the new brand of left-wing
authoritarian zealots. They're REPRESSIVE, not regressive.

Excerpted from:

©2016 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>