* <<GAM.0077>> Alph break
Well, here I am, back in Emacs.

I made a massive leap in progress on the Alph project in
July/August/September, but have hardly looked at it in October. I was
hoping one month ago that I'd be authoring essays and journals
xanalogically at this time, but I'm back in Emacs.

I ran out of steam.

Alph.js is buggy as all get-out; there's a lot of working stuff in
there – tricky stuff, important stuff – but it's not usable for
day-to-day things yet. It needs an overhaul after its overhaul (div
to iframe rebuild).

I'm drawing again, and the computer stuff has fallen in priority.
That's good. I need to move through my cycles of interest. It's time
for art now. I have a sense that Alph is imperative work, that it
needs to be done soon, ~now~ – but it's just going to have to wait
a month or nine. Time to draw some good pictures. Maybe even a story.

Excerpted from:

©2016 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>