* <<G8L.0597>> Xurg
The more I work on Alph, the more I'm realizing that my ideal ALPH
application would be a Xanalogical Org-mode. This is actually an old,
old idea ...let's see if I can find something about it up in the old

Well, I found some, but they're undated: [[Feature List]], and
[[Thinker]] — I found Thinker before [[Org-mode]] (which I began
using ~[[C3T]]), and was blown-away by the fact that it did have
transclusion, albeit file-based, local-only transclusion.

Anyway, I just had the tiny idea to call my ideal Xanalogical writing
software Xurg — Xanadu, "xu"  + Org, "rg". Brilliant.

Incidentally, I'm not that far from being able to do that.

Excerpted from:

©2016 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>