* <<G64.0722>> ATARI Music
** Kulor / Richard J Armijo
"An Anthem for Winterchip"
Nice tune; not as technically interesting as some of Kulor's other
stuff, but musically very enjoyable.

"Cipher of Moving Compass"
Fun, light, and excellent use of dynamics and POKEY timbre

I love the scales/arpeggios in this one. Too bad it's so short!

Two versions of this one, mono and stereo. I like the tune, and there
are some interesting effects in the background, which are really
foreground effects in the mono version. Not sure if I prefer one over
the other.

"Elementary School Supernova"
Frenetic, lots of great timbres!

"Generic Battle"
A very respectable 50-second BGM loop for a generic battle. *Stereo*.

"Random Encounter"
Also an enjoyable BGM loop.

Interesting short BGM track. Again, great use of dynamics. *Stereo*

** Anti Cheat
"Back For SAP"
Harsh, no envelopes -- I like it.

"Warehouse AM"
Harsh again, not terribly musical. I like it, but it feels more like
a sketch than a finished tune.

Excerpted from:

©2016 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>