* <<G3C.1373>> Capital's too important to leave to the capitalists.
Kasparov makes almost no sense,
]: "My Facebook post went around the world on technology created in
America. The networks, the satellites, the software, nearly every
ingredient in every mobile device and desktop computer, was invented
in the USA. It is not a coincidence that the most capitalist country
in the world created all these things. Innovation requires freedom of
thought, freedom of capital, and people who believe in changing the

1. "The networks" (packet-switching networks) were developed in the
US thanks to government spending in the form of DARPA grants.
2. The satellites wouldn't be in orbit without decades of
unprofitable government spending on space research, and launch
facilities owned and operated by the government.
3. "The software," at the bottom, comes from UNIX, which (in addition
to the transistor, the CCD, etc.) came from Bell Labs at the time
when AT&T was a government-regulated monopoly.
4. "Nearly every ingredient," is way too broad to break-up, but let's
remember this: the development of *most* fundamental computer,
communication, and aerospace science and engineering in the US was,
in no small part, paid for with tax dollars in the form of Department
of Defense research projects. The United States isn't a technological
juggernaut "because capitalism".  The United States is a
technological juggernaut because for a long time, the government
diverted *a lot* of capital into universities and research
laboratories that would not have been funded otherwise.


3a. Linus Torvalds has said that Linux probably wouldn't exist if he
hadn't lived in a socialist country which allowed him to spend most
of his 20s in University, where he had the time available to work on

Freedom of capital?  There *is* no freedom of capital when the
capital is entirely in the hands of corporations.

Excerpted from:

©2016 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>