* <<G2T.0048>> Trump
I started writing with the idea that Trump's supporters are dupes.
They're taking Trump's bait, believing that he represents their views
or their values when, in reality, he represents nothing but
megalomania.  Donald Trump doesn't care about you.  He doesn't care
about America.  He doesn't care about politics, diplomacy, ethics,
human rights, the planet, or its inhabitants.  He cares only about
his own self-worth, his brand, getting-over on other people — being
a "winner" — and he'll say *anything* to win. Just like all of his
"development" deals, he doesn't care about the development, he
doesn't care about the investors — he cares about *making the
deal*, and that's all.

But maybe I'm missing the point. Maybe Donald Trump really does
represent his supporters. He represents people who don't care about
"the other guy", people who want to be free to exploit, denigrate,
and marginalize others – he represents the white majority of
vulgar, arrogant, dishonest, selfish, tasteless, petulant "victims"
— people who have a conviction that they are good, /normal/ people,
and deserve to be successful, but who feel victimized by the media
and the government, institutions which they believe are run by a
cabal of liberal fascists conspiring to oppress white Christian
heterosexuals, to take away their rights and their money, and give it
all to freeloaders, foreigners, and criminals — the majority of
whom, they believe, are of a darker complexion than themselves.

Excerpted from:

©2016 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>