I don't know how I missed it before, but the Wayback Machine managed
to grab a few old mp3 files that I've been after for a long while:
20030505 and 20030509.  Both are only 64Kbps, which is too bad, but I
haven't heard these in years and I'm *extremely* pleased to be
hearing them again now.

Somewhere, on some old hard disk, either here or at my mother's
house, are the source files.  Until I get those disks and the means
to access them, this is it – but what a treat!

It's been my intention to publish a chronology of my music recordings
at http://music.laemeur.com, but I haven't been putting a lot of work
into it yet.  I posted the Mote Eidetix stuff last night, with some
descriptions/annotations ... I don't like that information being on
the web and not local, so it's time to make an Org section in the
JRNL about it.  Kablooey: [[MUSIC CHRONOLOGY]]

Excerpted from:

©2015 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>