* <<F7E.0769>> Poetry / Node / bleh

Poetry is important.  It's important because it forces the reader to
work with language in a non-idiomatic way.  Poetry is atithetical to
the language of advertisers and politicians.  All great writers are
poetical; writers like Tolstoy and Dick, whose styles are very direct
and plain-spoken, are poetical in their phrasing, their rhythm –
one needn't use flowery or opaque language to practice high art ...


Node.js is fun.  Terminal Poetry ([[EA1.0358]]) is going to happen.
I'll probably do the server stuff with Node.js.


Give me white on black
Give me fast forms of cool fire
A million blazing dashes
Brand my eyes --blegh.  What garbage.

Excerpted from:

©2015 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>