* <<F6A.0012>> Hiketeeeeegh!

Of course, now that I feel like I'm really getting HIKETEP close to
being done, I want to use phonemes in my sound poetry that aren't in
HIKETEP. I want the 'ch' in German "ich"; I want French R, I want a
kind of fricative W like the one I use when saying words like whale
and wharf, and I think I want Greek "ph" while I'm at it.

Furthermore, I'm seriously considering diverging O back into the two
cardinal vowels which it currently serves.  It's mostly become an
issue when rendering English diphthongs like the personal pronoun I.
The O sound in "on" is not the same sound as the initial vowel in
"I", but I've been rendering it "OY" in HIKETEP-Latin, and it's just
not right.


C  T  P
.  .  .

Excerpted from:

©2015 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>