* <<F5J.0716>> Post-Windows

Since I stopped using Windows entirely at the start of this year, I
really haven't had any trouble.  I've been using Linux part-time for
quite a while now, and for the last several years even my Windows
environment was fairly UNIX-like as I made heavy use of the Cygwin
tools.  Some things take a little while to figure out, sure.  A lot
of things are more complicated under a barebones Debian environment
than they are under Windows or a fully-loaded desktop Linux
environment with Gnome or KDE – but that's okay.  I'm fine with
that.  Generally, once you get things set-up, even though setting
them up can be a chore, you don't have to set them up a second time.

I'm still finding a set of favourite programs for common tasks. At
the moment, I've settled on these:

- XTerm for terminal emulation
- i3 for window management in X
- EMACS for writing
- mplayer for video – I'm still working-out how to make good use of
this, but I only installed it yesterday.  In my single day of
exposure to it, I'm much more pleased with it than VLC for quick
video viewing.
- qiv for image viewing – Irfanview is hard to replace, and I
haven't found anything on Linux yet that is really a suitable
substitute, but qiv is a great little viewer. For any kind of
editing, I use GIMP or Fotoxx or ImageJ or something else.
- Music on Console for browsing/playing music – I'm more-or-less
happy with this, but I wonder if there isn't something out there that
is just a notch better for me.
- Finch for instant messaging – This works, but I'm not totally
sold on it.  I haven't had the time/inclination to find an
alternative, but I probably will at some point.
- PCManFM for file management – Again, I'm not totally happy with
this.  I like Ranger in the console, but having document thumbnails
is nice sometimes.  In both cases, they lack verbose output on file
transfers and I don't like that.  For big copies/moves, I still just
do it from the console with cp and mv, with -v for verbose output.
- Deluge for BitTorrent

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©2015 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>