* <<F4T.0784>> "Going For The Top!" notes

- Don't blame Manara
- Don't demonize Cho, either
 + despite his puerile behaviour
- Is it appropriate?
 + Who is the audence?
   - for superhero comics?
   - for Spider-Woman specifically?
     Comic is rated T+ "TEENS AND UP - Appropriate for teens 13 and
- Can you market superheroes to different audiences?
 + To what extent? Could you make an erotic Wonder Woman series AND
market the character to children?
   - This has been done the other way 'round: adult-oriented
comics/books have been adapted for all-ages films, TV series.
- Why is eroticism permitted in comic books and not in other contexts?
 + Art is given a great deal of leeway with eroticism; always has

This isn't an anti-Hillary thing; this isn't an anti-Manara thing;
this isn't an anti-women thing, or an anti-anti-women thing --
whatever the hell that means.  This is just a thing.

Hopefully, your first reaction is laughter.  This is supposed to be

It's also supposed to illustrate that some things are appropriate

Excerpted from:

©2015 Adam C. Moore (LÆMEUR) <[email protected]>