It's June 2, 2016 at [some time].  Right now for me as I type, but past for you.
Such is relativistic time.

Right now, I'm torturing my ancient Win7 Starter laptop, which I'd previously
crippled after 2 yrs non-stop Minecraft server (2012-2014) and left naughty
bits behind (likely deep scratches) from that experience, leaving me with
bottlenecks now and again.  Such as it is: it was worth it.

So, right now?  Glad you asked!  [unresponsive one-way communications allows
me to imagine a responsive readership... or... any at all :P ]

I'm converting my brain-so-far (which is a collection of everything I ever
wrote online since 1989 that I could find, among some typewritten stuff
I've converted) as it existed up to 5/1/2016 back to 44 yrs prior (lots
of little gaps yet) from the site into a format
that should be acceptable for Gopher.

From Wordpress -> csv dump -> LibreOffice -> Excel (I haz Excel 2k - old
and fast) -> split back up into individual entries and now I'm using
PowerShell (which I never use) to return all of the dates to the date
of posting... earliest post being dates on my actual birthday... not that
I actually typed it then.. but retrocausality is fine with me.

It's also simultaneously taking those files and running them through
multiple elinks sessions to remove the html and format them pretty:
one for Gopher and another for a push I'm going to do through the
ACT-DL Dewey Decimal Classifier, so I can let an Artificially Intelligent
program/app/whatev figure out where each of the entries would show up
if this was a gigantic book that had blown up in a library explosion
and I had to piece together a book... that never existed in the first

One of my experiments in my Thought Collector experiment - literal
thought organizaton utilizing a classification schema that's well known
worldwide... and maybe in the process make some more sense of the
weird experience of existing.  Now.. I'll have to add *this* to another
entry on icopiedyou... and I call it icopiedyou because there's the
"I" that's the online resource and there's tne "you" which is me sitting
here... the one you can't access except through *this* I that I'm
presenting to you, which is another you that's difference from the you
that's me typing here right now... which will be in the past for you
by the time you see this.

Such is the nature of causality: there ain't no arrow here.

Kenneth Udut, who decided on using his real name as my whole
existance is pseudo and real simultaneously: separate and distinct
while also connected.