Your philosophy does not give you power. Your rationalizations
  do not give you power. You justifications do not give you power.
  You have to have it. If you don't, you have to get it. But
  bringing it up in a far off forum on the corner of the Internet
  is not the same as embodying it. Talking ABOUT pain is not the
  same as pain. Empathizing with fictional characters that became
  strong through hardship and became powerful is not the same as
  becoming strong through hardship and becoming powerful. You
  can't cheat your way there. There's no shortcuts.* * caveat:
  There ARE shortcuts and cheats. That's when you convince
  yourself that you're something when you're not. That's when you
  convince others that you're something when you're not. Have it?
  You have it. Don't have it? You get it. But talking and thinking
  about it is just killing time before you die.