Peace breaking out.* A friend asked these questions and I
  answered. 1. How does peace break out? 2. How does it grow? 3.
  How can we sustain it? 4. How do we never forget what war has
  done to us? I'll answer as best I can. PEACE FROM WITHIN: 1)
  Peace breaks out from within individuals. It cannot be forced
  from without, although there are some partial solutions I'll
  mention at the end. If you see an "us" and a "them", you are not
  a friend of peace. From within the individual, the way you
  approach people, your friends, your family, neighbors,
  strangers... your opinions about groups of people you have never
  met... the level of adherence to the stereotypes you form about
  strangers... these things all affect the breakout of peace. They
  can lead towards peace or away from peace. That also answers 2.
  3) Small course corrections. You stumble, then you stand. 4)
  Don't get cocky. PEACE FROM WITHOUT: [systems changes] 1)
  Diplomacy is the key to peace breaking out. That means:
  Communication through proper actions and proper words. 2) For
  peace to grow, education to dispel rumors and myths that
  naturally develop when people are in fear and are in search for
  power to relieve fear. 3) To sustain it: Ongoing efforts for 1 +
  2. 4) To always remember: 1 +2 + 3. -Kenneth Udut, 03/24/2016