^Had another electron "a-ha" moment: Quantum Entanglement. Two
  massless particles (which necessarily travel at the speed of
  light - e=mc2 - no mass, pure energy, speed of light). If it's
  true that something travelling at the speed of light doesn't
  experience TIME or SPACE then: get this: That's why two
  electrons / photons / etc can act IN SYNC with each other: They
  don't experience travel time, distance, any of that stuff -
  they're simple, well, CONNECTED. Two photons, once connected,
  stay connected. Nothing weird - it's not like there is a wire
  between them. Time is irrelevent to them - doesn't exist for
  them - so it's easy for them to have an instantaneous change of
  spin, or velocity, or whatever it is that they're doing in sync
  with each other. they bypassed time. They bypassed space. they
  only exist in whatever "Now" there is.^