Yup. A lot of ppl don't realize we don't need math for most
  things. It's only a handy shortcut for those it's a handy
  shortcut for... and sometimes it's used to build interesting
  things. But we could do the same without mathematics just fine.
  Observation, testing, retesting, works. I'm a visual / listen /
  touch person myself. Does it work? Great! Doesn't work? Tweak
  it. I've tried building things based on "math only" only to find
  out that 2x4's aren't. Wood swells and shrinks. Screws don't
  always cooperate. Clamps don't always stay in place.
  Mathmatically perfect cuts can be WRONG.

  So, trial and error and I always keep a LOT of excessive
  material available for mistakes.*smile emoticon