Number line: Ok, the 0 is like the flipping point but, big deal,
  you can also spin the number line around and make the positives
  into negatives, and the negatives into positives.* You just have
  stick the whole thing on a pin with the zero in the middle, spin
  it until it faces the other way and boom - -1 becomes +1, -1000
  becomes 1000 etc. Trifoil is different.* There's no point of
  balance like that... you can't spin it around to make it into
  its opposite because the opposite is always different. If you
  want to turn your left hand into your right hand, you'd have to
  turn one of your hands inside out. But then the inside of the
  skin would be on the outside, and the outside of the skin on the
  inside, so even in that case, one didn't become the other.