# Lightweight Emacs
by Seth Kenlon

I work on a lot of servers, and sometimes I find a host that's forgotten to install GNU Emacs.
There's usually an install of GNU Nano to keep me out of [Vi](https://opensource.com/article/19/3/getting-started-vim), but I'm not used to Nano the way I'm used to Emacs and I inevitably prompt it to close when I try to save my documents (**C-x** in Nano stands for *Exit*).
While it would be nice to have GNU Emacs available everywhere, it's a lot of pragram for what's often a simple update to a config file.
The requirement for a small and lightweight emacs is what took me down the path of discovering Micro Emacs, Jove, and Zile: tiny, self-contained emacsen that you can put on a thumbdrive, an SD card, and nearly any server, so you'll never be without an emacs editor.

## Editing Macros

Many aren't aware that "emacs" is a generic term, much less a portmanteau.
Before there was [GNU Emacs](Link to my WHAT IS EMACS article), there was a collection of batch process scripts (called a *macro*) that could perform common tasks for a user.
For instance, if you found yourself typing "teh" instead of "the" in files, you could either go in and correct each one manually (no small feat when your editor can't even load the entire document into memory, as was often the case in the early 1980s), or you could invoke a macro to perform a quick swap of the "e" and "h".

Eventually, these macros were bundled together into a package called **editing macros**, or **emacs** for short.
GNU Emacs is the most famous of emacsen (yes, the *-en* suffix is used to describe many emacs, as in the word *oxen*) but it's not the only one.
And it's certainly by no means the smallest.
Quite the contrary, GNU Emacs is probably one of the largest.

Fortunately, GNU Emacs is so popular that other implementations of an emacs tend to mimic most of the basic controls of the GNU version.
If you're looking for a basic, fast, and efficient editor that isn't Vim, you'll likely be happy with any of these options.

## Micro Emacs

Micro Emacs, also known as **uemacs** (as in the Greek letter µ, which denotes "micro" in scientific notation) was written by Dave Conroy, but there's a long list of users who have cloned it and modified it.
One user who maintains a personal version of µemacs is a programmer named Linus Torvalds, and his copy is available on his website (incidentally the site o a slightly larger coding project of his) [kernel.org](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/editors/uemacs/uemacs.git).

### Size

It takes me 5 seconds to compile µemacs at the slowest setting I can think to impose on my computer, and the resulting binary is a mere 493K.
Admittedly, that's not literally micro compared to the typical size of a GNU Emacs download (1 millionth of 70MB is 70 bytes, by my calculation), but it's respectably small.
It's easy enough, for instance, to email to yourself, or to send yourself over Signal, and certainly small enough to keep handy on every thumbdrive or SD card you own.

By default, Linus's version expects ``libcurses`` but you can override this setting in the Makefile so it uses ``libtermcap`` instead.
The resulting binary is independent enough to run on most Linux boxen:

$ ldd em
libtermcap.so.2 => /lib64/libtermcap.so.2
libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6

### Features

The [usual keyboard shortcuts](LINK TO EMACS CHEATSHEET) are just as you'd expect.
You can open files and edit them without ever realizing you're not in GNU Emacs.

Some advanced features are missing.
For instance, there's no vertical buffer split, although there is a horizontal split.
There's no ``eval`` command, so you won't use µemacs for LISP programming.

The search function is also a little different from what you may be used to: instead of **C-s**, it's **M-s**, which could make all the difference if your terminal emulator accepts **Ctrl+S** as a freeze command.
The help page for µemacs is very complete, so use ``M-x help`` to get familiar with what it has available.

### License

The license for µemacs is custom to the project, with a non-commercial condition.
You're free to share, use, and modify µemacs, but you can't do anything commercial with it.
While not as liberal a policy as I typically prefer, it's a good enough license for personal use, just don't build a business around it.

## GNU Zile

Zile claims to be a development kit for text editors.
It's meant as a framework to enable people to quickly develop their own custom text editor without having to reinvent common data structures.
It's a great idea, and probably very useful, but as I have no interest in making my own editory, I just use the example implementation that ships with its code base as a pleasant lightweight emacs.

The build process for the example editor (supposedly called ``Zemacs`` although the binary it renders is named ``zile``) is the standard [autotools](https://opensource.com/article/19/7/introduction-gnu-autotools) procedure:

$ ./configure
$ make

### Size

Compiling it from source takes me a minute on one core, or about 50 seconds on six cores (the configuration process is actually the long part).
The binary produced in the end is 1.2MB, making this the heaviest of the lightweight emacsen I use, but compared to even GNU Emacs without X (which is 14MB on my system), it's relatively trivial.

Of the lightweight emacsen I use, it's also the most complex.
You can exclude some library links by disabling features during configuration, but here are the defaults:

$ ldd src/zile
libacl.so.1 => /lib64/libacl.so.1
libncurses.so.5 => /lib64/libncurses.so.5
libgc.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libgc.so.1
libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6
libattr.so.1 => /lib64/libattr.so.1
libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2
libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0

## Features

Zile acts a little more like GNU Emacs when compared to µemacs or Jove, but it's still a minimal experience.
But some little touches are refreshing: Tab completion happens in a buffer, you can run shell commands from the mini-buffer, and you have a good assortment of functions available.
It's by no means a GNU Emacs replacement, though, and if you wander too far in search of advanced features, you'll find out why it's only 1.2MB.

I've been unable to find in-application help files, and the man page bundled along with it is minimal.
However, if you're comfortable with emacs, Zile is a good compromise between the full 14MB (or greater, if you're using a GUI) version and the extremely lightweight implementations.

## Jove

Jove was my first tiny emac, and remains the smallest I've found yet.
This was an easy discovery for me, as it ships with [Slackware](http://slackware.com) Linux and, with a surreptitious symlink, quickly became my personal replacement for the ``vi`` binary.
Jove is based on GNU Emacs, but the man page cautions that feature parity is by no means to be expected.
I find Jave surprisingly feature rich for such a small binary, but there's no question that renaming ``.emacs`` to ``.joverc`` does *not* behave as you might hope.

### Size

It takes me 5 seconds to compile Jove at the slowest setting (``-j1``) and about a second using all cores.
The resulting binary, confusingly called ``jjove`` by default, is just 293K.

The Jove binary is independent enough to run on most Linux boxen:

$ ldd jjove
libtermcap.so.2 => /lib64/libtermcap.so.2
libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6

### Features

Jove has good documentation in the form of a man page.
You can also get a helpful listing of all available commands by typing ``M-x ?`` and using the **Spacebar** to scroll.
If you're entirely new to emacs, you can run ``teachjove`` to be taught Jove (and emacs, accordingly).

Most common editing commands and keybindings work as expected.
Some oddities exist; for example, there's no vertical split, and Tab completion for paths in the minibuffer is non-existent.
However, it's the smallest emacs I've found, and yet has a full emacs feel to it.

## Try Emacs

If you've only ever tried GNU Emacs, then you might find that the world of emacsen is richer than you may have expected.
There's a rich tradition behind Emacs, and trying some of its variants, spin-offs, and alternate implementations is part of the joy of being comfortable with how emacs works.
Get to know Emacs, and carry a few builds around with you everywhere you go, and you'll never have to use a substandard editor again!

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This article was written in Jove version 4.17.06-9.