# Install Mattermost on Kubernetes

This is from [Mattermost documentation](https://mattermost.com/blog/how-to-get-started-with-mattermost-on-kubernetes-in-just-a-few-minutes/) but with more detail on what you're doing and why.

## License file

First, create a license manifest.
This is a requirement of Mattermost.

Save this as ``mattermost-license.yaml``:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 name: mattermost-license
type: Opaque
 license: "this_is_my_install"

The ``license`` string can be anything.
Were you performing an install with paid support, this file is significant, but for the self-supported install it's just a formality.

## Installation manifest file

Create an installation manifest:

apiVersion: installation.mattermost.com/v1beta1
kind: Mattermost
 name: mattermost-install
 size: 99users
 ingressName: mattermost
   kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
 version: 5.31.0
 licenseSecret: "mattermost-license"

This applies the metadata of ``name`` with the value ``mattermost-install``, and refers back, by ``name``, to the license file (``mattermost-license``) you created.