13 years ago, the Opensource.com site was launched by Red Hat's former CEO Jim Whitehurst with this mission statement:

> This site is one of the ways in which Red Hat gives something back
> to the open source community. Our desire is to create a connection
> point for conversations about the broader impact that open source can
> have—and is having—even beyond the software world.

On this site, community members collaborated to share knowledge, experience, and ideas, with one another and with the rest of the world.
We've delivered countless articles about open culture and open source.

It's in the same spirit of openness that today we must share the news that Opensource.com's funding has come to an end.
What that means for the future is not yet clear.
Publication of new articles must end, for now at least, although the site will remain online indefinitely.

During the time that we published articles, we've worked with many other websites to republish content, to share resources, and to promote the work of anyone participating in open source.
As we enter a state of statis, we encourage you to support other independent publications about open source.
Many of these websites have been unofficial partners and valued colleagues over the past decade:

* http://lxer.com[Lxer.com] aggregates open source news from around the web
* http://fossforce.com[FOSSForce.com] is a news site about open source
* https://itsfoss.com/[ItsFoss.com] is a great tutorial site
* https://fedoramagazine.org/[Fedora Magazine] features news and tutorials about Fedora Linux
* https://developers.redhat.com[Red Hat Developer] features programming tutorials

Of course there are many more.

Red Hat funded Opensource.com for over a decade.
You can keep up with Red Hat here:

* http://blog.redhat.com[Red Hat Blog] delivers news about Red Hat