# How I use Emacs for RPG
by Seth Kenlon

In tabletop role-playing games (RPG), there are two ways to play a game.
You can play a written adventure by the game's publisher or an independent author, or you can play an adventure made up as you go.
Regardless of which you choose, there's probably prep work to do.
One player (generically called the *game master*) must gather monster or enemy stats, loot tables, and references for rules, and the other players must build characters and allot [pretend] equipment.
Nothing's going to eliminate prep work from a complex RPG, but Emacs makes a great dashboard to help keep it all straight.

## Rules

Unfortunately, the digital editions of many RPGs are distributed as PDFs because they're usually exactly what the RPG publisher has sent to the printer for the physical edition.
PDFs are good at preserving layout but they're far from an ideal ebook format.
If you play RPGs published under an open license, however, you can often obtain the rules in alternate formats, such as HTML.
Even the world's first and most famous RPG, Dungeons & Dragons, provides its rules as a free download in digital format (which has been translated into HTML and Markdown by many a website).

I open the rules as Markdown in Emacs so that I have a searchable reference at the ready.
While, opening the same rules in its PDF form in any given PDF reader lets you can search for embedded text, using a text file instead provides several benefits.
First of all, a text file is much smaller than a PDF, so it's faster to load and faster to search.
Secondly, text files are easily editable, so if you find a rule that sends you off seeking clarification, you can add what you learn (or whatever you make up in a pinch) directly into your master document.
You can also add house rules and additional resources.
Eventually, my aim is to have a single file that contains all of the rules and resources I use in games I run, with everything a quick **C-s** away.

## Initiative

Most RPG systems feature a method to determine the order of play during combat.
This is commonly called *initiative*, and it comes up a lot since the source of conflict in games often involves combat or some kind of opposed competitive action.
It's not that hard to keep track of combat with pencil and paper, but in games where I'm using digital assets any way, I find it easier to stay digital for everything, and luckily the venerable **org-mode** provides an excellent solution.

When players roll for initiative, I type their names into Emac's Scratch buffer.
Then I type each monster or enemy, along with the HP of each, followed by two columns of 0:

zombie 22 0 0
zombie 22 0 0
flesh-golem 93 0 0

Then I select the block of PCs and monsters and use the **org-table-create-or-convert-from-region** function to create an org-mode table around it.
Using *M-down*  or *M-down*, I move each PC or monster into the correct initiative order.

| emily       |    |   |   |
| flesh-golem | 93 | 0 | 0 |
| zombie      | 22 | 0 | 0 |
| brad        |    |   |   |
| zombie      | 22 | 0 | 0 |

During combat, I only need to record damage for monsters, because the players manage their own HP.
For the enemies I control in combat, the second column is its HP (its starting number is taken from the RPG system's rules), the third is the damage dealt during the current round.

Table formulae in org-mode are defined on a special ``TBLFM`` line at the end of the table.
If you've used any computerized spreadsheet for anything, **org-table** is fairly intuitive.
For combat tracking, I want the third column to be subtracted from the second.
Columns are indexed from left to right (**$1** for the first, **$2** for the second, and **$3** for the third), so to replace the contents of column $2 with the sum of column $2 and $3, I add this line to the bottom of the table:

#+TBLFM: $2=vsum($2 - $3)

I don't actually type that into Emacs every time the game enters combat mode.
Instead, I've defined an auto-completion trigger with Emac's **abbev-mode**.
**Abbrev-mode** is a system that allows you to type in a special string of your own choosing, which Emacs expands into something more complex.
I define my abbreviations in a file called **~/.emacs.d/abbrev_defs**, using **rpgi** followed by a **Space** as the trigger for Emacs to change the line to my initiative table formula:

(define-abbrev-table 'global-abbrev-table
   ("rpgi" "#+TBLFM: $2=vsum($2 - $3)" nil 0)

Each time a player deals damage to a monster, I enter the amount of damage in the damage column.
To trigger a table recalculation, I press **C-u C-c *** (or **C-c C-c** if I happen to be on the formula line):

| brad        |    |    |
| emily       |    |    |
| zombie      | 12 | 10 |
| zombie      | 15 |  7 |
| flesh-golem | 91 |  2 |
#+TBLFM: $2=vsum($2 - $3)

This system isn't perfect.
Character names can contain no spaces because org-table splits cells by whitespace.
It's relatively easy to forget that you've processed one line and accidentally re-process it at the end of a round.
To add HP back to a creature's total, you have to use a negative number (I think of it as negative damage, which suggests health).
Then again, many computerized initiative trackers suffer the same problems, so it's not a particularly poor solution.
For me, it's one of the faster methods I've found (I'm happy to admit that [Maptool](https://opensource.com/article/19/6/how-use-maptools) is the best, but I use my Emacs workflow when not using a digital shared map).

## PDFs in DocView

Sometimes a PDF is unavoidable.
Whether it's a d100 list of tavern names or a dungeon map, it's inevitable that some resources exist only as a PDF with no extractable text data.
In these cases, the **DocView** package of Emacs can help.
DocView is a mode that loads PDF data and generates a PNG for your to view (Emacs can also view JPEG files).
I've found that large PDFs are problematic and slow, but if it's a low resolution PDF with just 1 or 2 pages, DocView is an easy way to reference a document without leaving Emacs.
I use this mode exclusively for maps, tables, and lists.
It's not useful for anything that might involve searching, because text data isn't accessible, but it's an amazingly useful feature for documents you only need to glance at.

![Emacs for RPG](emacs-rpg.jpg)

The [ghostscript](https://www.ghostscript.com/) suite that ships with most Linux distributions (or certainly is available in your repository) allows you to process PDFs, drastically simplifying them by lowering the resolution of images from print quality to screen quality.
The command contains mostly Postscript commands and attributes, but it's not necessary to become a Postscript expert to perform a quick down-res:

$ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \
-sOutputFile=adventure.pdf \
-dDownsampleColorImages=true \
-dColorImageResolution=72 big-adventure-module.pdf

Opening PDFs in Emacs isn't as exciting as it may sound.
It's not by any means a first-class PDF viewer, but for select resources it can be a convenient way to keep all of your information on one screen.

## Adventure rap-sheets

Published adventures are often heavy on prose.
The theory is that you've paid a lot of money for an adventure that's been prepared for you, so you obviously want value for your purchase.
I do value the lore and world-building authors put into their adventures, but during a game I like to have a quick reference to the information I need for the game mechanics to work as intended.
In other words, I don't need to have the story of why a trap was placed in a dungeon when a rogue triggers it, I only need to know that the trap exists and what the rogue needs to roll in order to survive.
I haven't found any modern adventure format that provides me with just that information, so I end up creating my own "rap sheets": a minimal outline for the adventure, with just the game mechanic information I need for each location.
Once again, org-mode is the best way for me to keep this information handy.

In org-mode, you create lists using asterisks for bullet points.
For a sub-item, add an asterisk.
Even better, press **C-c t** to mark the item as a **TODO** item.
When your players clear an area in the game, press **C-c t** again to mark the location **DONE**.

* DONE 1 Entrance
** Zombie
AC 9 | HP 22
* TODO 2 Necromancer's chambers
** Flesh golem
AC 16 | HP 93
** Treasure
- Gold ring (200 gp)
- Rusty nail (1 cp)
 Cursed (roll on curse table)
** Secret door (DC 20)
- to area 11

Each asterisk is collapsible, so you can get a summary of a global area by collapsing your list down to just the top-level:

* DONE 1 Entrance
* TODO 2 Necromancer's chambers
* TODO 3 Wyrmling nursery
* TODO 4 Caretaker's chambers
* TODO 5 Caretaker's laboratory

Predictably, I find that making my own rap sheets helps me internalize both the mechanics and the lore of the adventure I'm preparing, so the benefits to this method are numerous.
Since I manage any adventure I run in Emacs with Git, once I do the prep work for an adventure, I have fresh copies of all my assets should I run the adventure with another group or with a set of fresh characters.

## Adventure journal

Generally, I let my players keep their own notes about the adventure, because I want to encourage players to interpret the events happening in the adventure for themselves.
However, a game master needs private notes to keep all of the improvised data in order.
For example, if a published adventure doesn't feature a blacksmith shop, but players decide to visit a blacksmith, then a blacksmith needs to be invented in the moment.
If the players re-visit the blacksmith six weeks later, then they expect it to be the same blacksmith, and it's up to the game master to keep track of such additions to the published setting.
I manage my personal notes about adventures in two different ways, depending on what's available to me.

If I have the text of the adventure in an editable format (such as HTML or Markdown), then I enter my additions to the adventure as if the publisher had included them from the start.
This means there's always one source of truth for the setting and for significant events.

If I haven't been able to get an editable copy of the adventure, either because it's a hard copy or a PDF that's not easily modified, then I include my additions to my rap sheets in org-mode.
This functionally means that there's still one source of truth because my rap sheets are the first place I look for information, falling back on the published text only for details I've forgotten.
Sometimes I like my additions enough to merge them back into my Git master for the adventure, but usually I trust in improvisation and let additions happen dynamically for each group that plays the adventure.

## Emacs as an RPG dashboard

I've fallen into using Emacs for RPGs because it serves as the heads-up display of my dreams.
The "right" answer is probably a good [tiling window manager](https://opensource.com/article/19/12/ratpoison-linux-desktop), but until I implement that for myself, I'm happy with Emacs.
Everything's bound to keyboard shortcuts designed for specificity and speed, and there's just enough easy customization that I can hack together good-enough solutions sometimes even while players are arguing with one another about what to do next.
I've tried juggling multiple desktops and several PDF reader windows and a spreadsheet for initiative, and while it's a fine experience, nothing has quite equalled the fluidity of Emacs as my RPG dashboard.