I\'m a happy user of the XML-based Docbook markup language. To me, it\'s
a precise, explicit, and detailed system that allows me to have
contextual and domain-specific metadata in what I write. Best of all,
though, it can be transformed (that\'s what XML users call it when XML
is converted into another format) into nearly any format, including
HTML, EPUB, FO for PDF, plain text, and more. With great power comes a
lot of typing, though, and sometimes I have to admit that Docbook feels
like it\'s surplus to requirements. Luckily, there\'s Asciidoc, a system
of writing plain text with the same markup-less feel of Markdown, but
that transforms to Docbook to take advantage of its precision and

## Asciidoc rules

Like Markdown, one of the goals of Asciidoc is that you don\'t really
have to *learn* it. Instead, it aims to be intuitive and natural. You
may well have written snippets of valid Asciidoc without realizing it if
you\'ve ever added a little style to a plain text document for
readability. For instance, if you habitually separate paragraphs with a
blank line, then you\'ve written the equivalent of the HTML `<p>` or
Docbook `<para>` tag. It seems obvious, and yet in academia separating
paragraphs with blank lines isn\'t generally done, so even this simple
convention is technically markup.

Here\'s the most common syntax.

### Text styles

Text styles include the basics such as bold, italics, and code font.
Most of the notation is relatively intuitive, with the possible
exception of italics.



***\*\_Bold and italic\_\****

`` `Monospace or code` ``

### Code

Code is marked with backticks or by explicit declaration of a code

`` `Monospace or code` ``

``` text
print('a whole code block')

### Headlines

Headings are marked with leading equal signs (`=`):

= Heading 1 (`<h1>`)

== Heading 2 (`<h2>`)

=== Heading 3 (`<h3>`)

==== Heading 4 (`<h4>`)

===== Heading 5 (`<h5>`)

====== Heading 6 (`<h6>`)

### Links

Hyperlinks favor the link first, followed by the word or phrase used to
\"disguise\" the link as text.

This is a http://example.com\[hyperlink\] that leads to the example.com

I don\'t find this as elegant as Markdown\'s link notation, but then
it\'s a lot more flexible. For instance, you can add attributes in
Asciidoc links:

This is a https://example.com\[link,role=external,window=\_blank\] with
the `target="_blank"` attribute set.

### Lots more

Asciidoc also features internal links so you can link from one section
to another, a standard for document headers, automatic table of content
generation, the ability to include other documents within another, and
much much more.

But best of all, Asciidoc is actually *standardized*. Not everyone knows
it, but the term \"Markdown\" doesn\'t refer to one markup-light
language. Different organizations and groups regularly customize and
alter Markdown for their own use, so when you use Markdown you really
ought to verify *which* markdown you\'re meant to use. Many of the
conventions you might have learned from one website using Markdown
don\'t carry over to another site using Markdown. There\'s essentially
no standard for Markdown, and that\'s resulted in such confusion that
the [Commonmark.org](http://commonmark.org){target="_blank"} project has
been formed in an attempt to assemble a standardized definition.

Asciidoc was designed from the start with a standard definition, so the
a tool or website that claims to parse Asciidoc actually does parse all
valid Asciidoc, because there\'s only one valid Asciidoc.

## Asciidoc to anything

The point of writing in a markup-light language like Asciidoc is to
ensure predictability and consistency when text is parsed. You want a
person to write a script, or to run an application someone else has
written, to be able to transform your plain text into whatever format
works best for them. Sometimes that\'s HTML (incidentally Markdown\'s
native output format, and fallback language when there\'s something
missing from its own syntax.) Other times it\'s an EPUB, or a PDF for
printing, Docbook, a LibreOffice document, or any number of possible
output formats.

There are several tools to help you transform Asciidoc to another
format. A popular command is
[Asciidoctor](https://asciidoctor.org){target="_blank"}, which you can
install using your package manager. For instance, on Fedora, CentOS, or

``` bash
$ sudo dnf install asciidoctor

On Debian-based systems:

``` bash
$ sudo apt install asciidoctor

Alternately, if you\'re not on Linux but you have Ruby installed, then
you can install it as a Ruby gem:

``` bash
$ gem install asciidoctor

Here\'s a simple example of an Asciidoc document, which you can create
using any [text editor](){target="_blank"} or even a word processor
(like [LibreOffice](){target="_blank"}) as long as you save the file as
plain text. Most applications expect a plain text document to use the
extension `.txt`, and while it\'s a convention use the extension `.adoc`
for Asciidoc, it\'s not necessary. Asciidoctor doesn\'t require any
special extension.

``` bash
= This is my example document

It's not written in _Markdown_, nor _reStructured Text_.
This is *Asciidoc*.

It can be transformed into nearly any format using the tool `Asciidoctor` and other similar parsers.
Try it for yourself!

To transform an Asciidoc document to HTML, run `asciidoctor`:

``` bash
$ asciidoctor example.adoc

The file `example.adoc` is transformed into HTML5 by default, but you
can use different backends to gain access to more formats.

## From Asciidoc to XML

My favourite is the Docbook backend, because it transforms my Asciidoc
to Docbook XML, allowing me to use my existing Docbook toolchain (custom
Makefiles, Apache FOP, `xsltproc`, `xmlto`, and so on) to cemplete my

``` bash
$ asciidoctor --backend docbook5 example.adoc

This outputs Docbook XML. The final two built-in backends are `xhtml5`
and `manpage`.

## From Asciidoc to EPUB

If you want to turn your writing into an ebook, you can install the
EPUB3 backend:

``` bash
$ gem install asciidoctor-epub3

Transform your Asciidoc into EPUB:

``` bash
$ asciidoctor-epub3 example.adoc

## From Asciidoc to PDF

You can transform Asciidoc directly to PDF, too:

``` bash
$ gem install asciidoctor-pdf
$ asciidoctor-pdf example.adoc


## Who should use Asciidoc

Asciidoc is excellent for technical writers and writers who have precise
requirements for how their text is parsed. It\'s a clearly and strictly
defined markup format that eliminates the confusion of competing
Markdown formats, and it transforms to all the major formats. Asciidoc
is admittedly more verbose and possibly less intuitine than Markdown,
but it\'s still just plain text so it\'s easy to author on anything, and
Asciidoctor makes processing easy. Next time you write a document for
any purpose, consider trying Asciidoc.