Public Safety value of

    No politician would get elected if they put a monetary value on human life, yet we are faced with this equation
every day.   Somehow we expect to stand for politics that will proport unlimited resources in a life threatening
situation, yet we know there's a limit to the resources that we can apply.
   In lieu of placing a dollar value on human life the government has made public safety a priority.  Unintentionally
this has placed a value on our human existence, thereby life.  In exchange for our freedom we are offered safety.
   So at what point does existence become life.  What percentage of our time should be give to the government in order
to achieve safety.  In this equation the government is fast approaching everything, as our right to enjoy and
experience life is taken away.
   Whose to say what's right or wrong.  The extremes are beyond our experience.  Unregulated human kind will take
things to their lowest common denominator so we need authority and regulation to protect us, but by how much?  The epa
restricts our emissions.  Health care will require us to pay for the good of the many.  The hidden tax on our time,
recycling saves dump space (and makes waste management companies rich).  Insurance companies want our wages we spend
time, our existence, working for.  The list is limitless.  What are the trade offs?
       Help me folks.  What's your take on this?