You have to understand it's chemical.  Men are attracted to a certain women because of a deep seated biology, that creeps, even into our consciousness.  Men suffer testosterone and women estrogen.  So its a matter of principle when a woman catches our eye and we find ourselves attracted, over the long haul, not just a moment of beauty sited on the street but interaction in a daily routine, such as school.
   Going to school there were certain girls that caught my attention.  I'm sure all males had similar experiences.  There was a moment, in your recognition, that you could or could not let go and be attracted to her.  It was sort of social conduct, that many women seem to have a sixth sense about, and some flirt with the circumstances.  While we all are part of this great biological train,  we experience it daily in our youth, yet we do not fully comprehend it.  That's why when Marci Ullman refused to participate in this socialization I was intrigued by the stray from the norm.
   Marci was probably the most beautiful and wholesome girl in our high school.  She had come from another junior high school when our local school district combined, and she had a boyfriend, Tom Weiller.  They were an 'item' on the local scene, and fully committed to each other.
   Marci, at one time or another, had probably faced every jock down in high school about her beauty, yet she was above the 'game'.  She didn't attend parties, all that often, except with Tom, wasn't involved in any school extra curricular activities, etc.  Girls with such natural beauty were singled out in that era and destined to home coming queen, cheer leaders and the like.  Marci was definately given the opportunities but never participated.
   The thing that probably drove everybody crazy, in the soc classes of the day, was that Tom was not the handsomest or most athletic guy in our school, but Marci was far and away the prettiest.  No guy could not help but notice her.  Yet at the same time, no guy was tempted to cross the border between attraction and letting go with that attraction.  Marci left few, if any, broken hearts in our high school, an amazing accomplishment, I thought.  She didn't participate with the circumstances and flirt and was able somehow, in that sixth sense realm, women seem to have, discourage even the beginning of committed to attraction a male might indulge in.
  As far as I know, Marci and Tom got married right out of high school, planned their lives together and have a family and home.  I marvel at their accomplishment and wonder at the rare sociological conditions they mastered in the high school social scene.