Definition of homophobia:  continuation of a moral decay that has caused the rest of the World to see America as the Great Satan and thereby a target.  Secondly,  homosexual marriage has pulverized a cornerstone of the the once great American social fabric by making it impossible to go back and define marriage as an important part of family, community and an important part of a strong and great civilization.
   America, the Great Satan whose corporations have pillaged the World,  whose citizens have killed 55 million babies, whose internet has broadcast to the World filth and perversion never before seen or imagined, now threatens the social fabric of the rest of the World and homosexual marriage is just the last immoral practice insighting the rest of the World to hate us.
  We have called upon us the ire of the rest of the World whose intent is wrath.  That is the definition of homophobia:  the fear of God,  the fear of alienating the World, and the fear of a loss of a great society so many of our forefathers toiled and fought to build and protect that was our responsibility to continue.  Any sign of weakness, of this once great country, invites retribution.
  "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."  We must all humble ourselves, discipline ourselves, and get down on our knees and pray.