Society has no direction without God.  Look at how fast things change.
  I used to wonder, reading the history of the Bible, at how a culture, a civilization, could change so fast.  The Israelites were given the promised land, and instructed by God with what they had to do, and they violated it.  They were given the good life, taken away from the slavery of working all day in the hot sun making bricks for the Egyptians.  The Exodus took them to the promised land and then they lost it.  God gave them laws that would allow them to live peacefully in their own land. They broke those laws and eventually lost the promised land to conquerors.
  The giving and taking of the Promised Land is one of the more debated subjects throughout history, and I can only look at it from my limited layman's point of view.  I am in awe, at how over just a few short generations the people of Israel forgot what their forefathers went through and gave it up by breaking the law.  They gave up making bricks in the hot day's sun to live in a promised land, where they could build, store up and live with out taxes and invaders taking what they had.  God's law was not there to make life miserable for them, it was there to make it possible for them to live united, strong and peacefully in the promised land.
  So here we are today, in America.  We are loosing everything to taxes and regulations, it seems our military strength is waning and our social fabric has been decimated.  We are far removed from the God fearing people our forefathers were.    Here, a few short generations ago, we were given the opportunity to store up for ourselves, to build, to grow, to help one another, and to live peacefully.  We were truly the land of opportunity.  Now, in our self indulgence, it may be just a matter of time, before invaders loot and pillage.  Or maybe we're already here, taking advantage of the spoils America has to offer, via welfare.  Without the social fabric, that God gave us, common sense seems to show we'll have nothing and we will be living in bondage, once again.
  Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage. [Alexander Tytler]