Brian was able to transcend boundaries.  He easily rose to the top of
social classes and opened the doors to give everyone a chance.
    I'd like to think that's his legacy and that we may carry on some of
what he demonstrated by giving others a chance.

Infinity is a nice number but I don't comprehend it.  You have to suspect
anyone who thinks they do.

Remembered like a rock in a puddle of mud.

People watch other people suffer and it's just entertainment.

What would life be like without opposing surfaces?

I've observed the 'system' for a lifetime and I've determined it's the
individual who causes the conflicts not Wall Street or the government.
It's people who put up boundaries, tear down, initiate innuendo, are
slothful, unreliable, dishonest etc. etc..

  The complexity of life far exceeds anything you or my ability to define
it, categorize it, or regulate it.

Nervous twitter.

  I don't think people recognize honesty any more.

  You and I are a collection of life's experiences, different but

  Destruction, war, and all of mankind's faults come down to one thing;

We want to do a good job, but our participation IN the bureaucracy won't
let us.   Our sinful nature is to tear each down rather than build up
which fuels the destructive force of the bureauCRACY.

Children screaming and shouting, playing, and then as you grow older,
society effectively shuts you up.

Is there any joy in the World?  Not if it's left up to people.

You've got a public that's enamoured with 140 character tweets and a 2074
page senate bill. The rubber band of democracy is stretched to the
breaking point.

Our American heritage has roots in a fundamental philosophy that implores
people to be of service to one another. This has woven a fabric of society
that is exceedingly strong.

Intelligence is now determined by a button and a remote.

Look! You got to keep things in perspective. Sure you might be hurting
now, but you have to remember how our forefathers, our grand fathers and
our great grand fathers crawled through the mud and snow and ice to
protect our freedom.

The class system has only accelerated with the information age.
I used to write things down, but then I had to ask myself who is going to
read this stuff. This is the information age and everybody writes stuff
down. We've gotten to the point where we need more readers and less
writers, I think.

   Since matter is energy, and nothing really exists physically, could we
and every thing around us be the will of God?  "In the beginning was the
Word. ..."

Science proves nothing exists, physically, and that everything is energy.
If that's the case then everything is relative. So why would we assume our
knowledge can be absolute?

I've noticed the only time people can get along peaceably is when they are
busy working.

Oh we take life so for granted. Not just living, but the day to day
wonders and encounters that God has created for us.

I can't use something without understanding it fundamentally.

When you aspire there's so much more hope, drive and energy then when you
get there.

It's not your fault if you're a genius and it's not to your advantage. The
rare thing is if you discover your genius because we all have genius
within us but very few find it.

The Internet was not clogged by Spam, as so many feared, but by You-Tube,
MySpace and IPod, all toys and trinkets when we could have real
information at our fingertips.

Occasionally I hear people use the word 'dynamics' when giving their
opinion about something. I can't help but wonder if this word isn't
inadequate only used to justify prejudices because aren't we always
striving to find the 'statics' around us in order to base our dynamics on.

I wish I were quick enough to respond to someone who described something
with the word 'dynamics' with; "In a world full of statics you're trying
to latch onto the dynamics. I hope you can swim."

The most dangerous thing there is, is money, at least not having any.
Every time a liberal passes a law, a socioeconomic law, that's more taxes
and less money in people's pockets. That's dangerous.

Creative expression is the essence of humanity.

In fiction there is this horrible person who kills, maims, destroys all
without conscious or concern for his fellow human. In reality that person
doesn't exists. The monster that we describe is instead a product of
commerce and culture. The truly horrible deeds are done under the guiles
of an institution. An employer, army, religion, and now the media in a
corrupted society coerce its' members to destroy all in a structured
environment set up long before the individuals's event.

Up until recently I saw no prejudice between individuals. It was all
political. Now through decades of media coercion I'm starting to see
prejudice between individuals in the workplace or just walking down the
street amongst strangers.

Fifties! A more innocent time my ass. We had the cold war and nuclear
bomb. Duck and cover.

Hollywood makes its living off of identifying with the common man.

We are just fortunate that the pendulum swings in our lifetimes, for many
of us. We are fortunate to view life from different extremes, if we

The illusion of solitude portrayed in advertising is fiction. You can
drive your car in wide open spaces, all alone, enjoying fresh air and
freedom, in the ads. In reality we drive in traffic jams. In advertising
we have time to spend with friends and family. In reality there are

I've also noticed that popular television shows are based on recent
history that we haven't forgot and still may believe exists. Northern
Exposure, for example, was of life in a small town in the woods, with
community. That doesn't exist anymore. Then there are the shows based on a
group of people in their twenties, hanging out, spending time together and
sharing all their experiences. That doesn't exist either, anymore. Instead
we are all plugged into technology, isolated from each other, seeking
community in inner space.

We have to rely on the fabric of our society and most of that is subject
to moral decay.

Once you get past people's flaws and imperfections you start to see some
really amazing things.

In this information age people don't earn reputations anymore, they make

There's no communication with people when all they want to know is 'how
much', 'how big', 'how far', and other physical attributes, only. Instead
the questions between people should be 'what do you think', 'how do you
feel about that', 'how do you comprehend the situation'.

Nobody is absolutely sure about anything. If they say they are, they're

I want to live in an America that's based on trust and honesty, not
paranoia and suspicion.

The world is changing faster than we could have ever imagined. All of
history will soon be gone.

Each generation lives to shock the previous generation.

Dignity is a very important commodity to the human spirit. Support it,
inspire it and you will get rewards beyond your wildest imagination.

There is a matter of absolute pride. It is only common courtesy to ask
permission before delving into someone's personal life or thoughts yet
authority ignores this courtesy only to create animosity and mistrust
between it and it's charges.

If information is power then there certainly are a lot of people arming
themselves with the Internet.

America 2004. We no longer have a centralized value system so we can no
longer enforce principals without offending a group.

The fast buck is dead. If it isn't, in your neighborhood, put it out of
its misery; kill it. Put some time and quality into your work instead.

Customer service is cruel and unusual punishment.

Insurance companies are pillaging our democracy.

You've got your generation and I've got mine and never the twain shall

Life is a very sacred thing created by God out of the nothingness of the

Write for people and not at them and you might find readers.

Isn't garbage great. We just put it in a can or a little hole someplace,
and it simply goes away.

Suggested line for a resume: Good Communication skills! I paraphrase a
lot, even when no one's around.

How in the world do people survive? They're always taking things down to
the lowest common denominator. You try and introduce prosperity and hope,
inventiveness, creativeness and they immediately tear it down.

If I could just tell you what I know then I know you'd know what I know.

Certification is saying you have to do it somebody else's way.

The joy of discovery, the power of motivation is undermined by

Does our court system shirk responsibility by relying on 'expert'

I prefer to deal with people who don't want everything buttered in hype.

In business, when promises are made the future is always free: especially
among friends.

At times I'm overwhelmed by God and being. I could not trust a man who was
not overwhelmed in this nature at one time or another.

The only reality I can say I honestly know is my own.

Only a fool or a truly great person would attempt to change humanity.
Unfortunately they both end up in politics.

If you sterilize America it won't work.

When I think of the class system ordinary people impose on one another, I
gain a new respect for the law

Good manifests itself in communication where no one must be dominant.

The ego of youth is an incredibly stupid thing which, I think, many of us
live to regret.

I understand why people create art - so they can be understood. Art is a
form of communication. It is a level of communication that we all need.

The ego of man is a dangerous thing.

The single mindedness of people is a disease.

  Dynamic duo:  Air Head and Lemon Juice.

  Most of what society is trying to glean from us is exchanged for pride,
covered in hype.

    We are a link between future generations and the past.  But because
of the industrial age, along with its modern conveniences, we are a weak

   We no longer have a centralized value system in America, so we can no
longer enforce without offending some group.

   Women make a mockery of the alpha male in modern day society, yet they
mate with the one who is.

    Dogs are God's gift to mankind.

    We can not exist as a society without a core value system.

    Society is a living, breathing entity, just like you and me.
Community is a segment of society where your voice can be heard.

  There's a time and a place for smiling, friendly people.   It's called

  Knowing how to learn is as powerful as knowledge.  There are so many
new things to learn that we must be constantly learning and be able to put
our new found knowledge into production.

  I'm a hunter and a gatherer and I"m forced to take handouts from a
company who provides for my livelihood with a paycheck, if I perform

  I don't take credit for my abilities but I am in possession of them and
must take responsibility for them.

  People write off our societal problems as 'depression'.  A loss of self
worth may have far more destructive consequences.  Treat everyone with

  Can I assume by all the arrogance I run into that people have an
inferiority complex?

  The toughest souls are often the kindest.

  Society has not kept pace with technology.  Society has never kept up
with its biology.  Yet we let the media guide us informatively and

  I envy medieval man for his lack of information and the value they
placed on the information they did have.

  Society has not kept pace with technology.  Society's biology is an
overwhelming force that requires moral, spiritual and ethical guidance
which technology, the information age and the media have stripped away.

  Humankind is only a puppet for technology.

  Life is brutal.  You don't have to point it out.  That's why television
is so popular because it ignores the fact that we as individuals have to
face this brutality.

   Mankind is not capable of judging his fellow man.

The American People are addicted to a corporate way of life and a
corporate product line that has brought an end to human rights and

When it comes to invention all of our ugly history seems to come from

Medicine does not incorporate the will of the individual.

  Of course I'm only seeing one slice of history.  Maybe people have
always been this way.

   The thing about company grapevines, is that the moment you tell it
that it's a grapevine,  it withers up.

  People buy the hype and then they want to yell and scream because it
doesn't work.

  I walk down the street and people growl to make me go away.  I see
advertising and they smile to invite me in.

  Things seem so constant only because we're moving through life.  The
people we once knew change but we aren't there so they remain the same in
our memories.

  Just to hear the sounds of life:  a dog barking, children playing, a
bird singing, but in the city the sound is artificial:  tires hitting
pavement, sirens wailing, machines pounding.  Was it worth the price?

  The thing that's scary is how incompetent people are when they're put
into a position of power based on certification.

  If we know the boundaries we will be more effective at achieving our

  A new direction in human thinking is going to have to take place if
mankind is going to survive technology.

   Insurance companies have pillaged our democracy.

  Usually something simple is made complex by industry creating their own
terminology for it.

  There is so much we can accomplish in this World except people are
determined to take everything to its lowest common denominator.

   We practice freedom of religion to a limited extent.  We don't let
Muslims fly airplanes into buildings for example, to glorify their god.

  People are fountains of energy.  When two people converse they react to
the energy level each puts into the conversation more than the physical
presence of the person..  Sometimes we just see the physical.  I wonder if
the fascination of sports is its focus on the physical, away from the
energy people otherwise put into communication.

    We have a sphere of consciousness, you know, and that's pretty
important, for the moment.

  I finally figured it all out.  It doesn't matter.

   Rather than explain people express disdain.

  How do you define a democracy without basic values and 'inalienable'
rights?  Rights and values defined by centuries of tradition.

  Democracy has evolved, in America, where we have no more rights.

   Believe it or not, when somebody says they can do it, there's a
measure of truth in what they say.

  A little bit of discomfort can be little bit motivating.

    I believe a man with a strong healthy mind can only fall in love once
in his life.  It's a matter of principal and purpose.

  I'm always surprised at who the heros are.

  Insecurity is covered up with cynicism.

  Self worth, or our facade of self worth, is a signal to others of how
they should judge us.  Some people seem to use this face instinctively
while others really do think they're worth something.

Things change so much over time. Think of the difference between you and
your parents generation. Now know that english speaking people in the
twentieth century could not understand english of the fifteenth century,
much less the morals, values, and purposes of people in that time. Now
think of the changing geography or the solar system or universe over
millions, hundreds of millions or billions of years. Are we not part of
the change? Is anything we do so radical as to be any different from that
which has molded change throughout eternity? Is not what we do only part
of that change?

  I don't believe in trade secrets.  I only believe in hard work.  That
is, the product is so well made, the consumer will want to buy it over the

   I used to look at the old men on skid row, downtown, and wonder what
could make them so old and bitter.  Now I know.

   Divide and conquer!  How is a war strategy such as this accomplished?
Well one way, it seems, is to create suspicion and paranoia between
neighbors.  Isn't that what America is today?
  We must bolster community if we are to survive: a community where
people honor and trust one another.  But that is impossible in this media
and information age, where people, each, have their own interests to
pursue on their own television or computer screens.

     I've observed protocol is essential.  Otherwise meetings break down
to gossip and squabbling.

  I just don't trust business owners or sales people who refer to their
product as 'the product'.

  Consumerism has bled our economy.  As of this writing, 2003, eighty
percent of our workforce has a service job.  At the turn of the last
century, 1900, eighty percent of jobs were rural.  People working in rural
jobs were independent.  People working in service jobs are subservient.

    So you're saying American was just an experiment in democracy and you
want to change it to socialism now?

   History books will say:  "America was an experiment in democracy that
proved the need for a monarch."

  Our society is the sum of all its parts.   We must work to trust one
another and not take the all to easy shortcut of regulating people.

  The power of the day to day.  The overwhelming force accumulated over
time with a daily routine.  How could we not respect this accomplishment.

  We live in an age where people don't handle problems they call someone.

  the problem with the information age is that it has made us all judges.
This has endangered our freedom.

  When I meet the elderly I look for the signs of fire and fury or
enthusiasm that was part of their youth.  Sometimes you see glimpses of
greatness, other times defeat.

    Everyone has a photographic memory.  Some of us just don't have any

  The truth of the matter is that we are simple, stupid biology.  Except
for spirituality mankind would be nothing.

  Saw it all.  Done it all.  Can't remember most of it.  That might be a
good thing.

  The big thing between now and the thirties is that back then it was
okay not to have money.  Uncomfortable but okay.  Now it's a crime.

   You want to tap into peoples interest and enthusiasm for a successful

  If we profess that humanity is simple enough for us to explain or
understand then we are pretty darn foolish.

  The problem I see with liberal thinking is that you denounce heritage
and tradition.  The problem I see with conservative thinking is that you
don't deounce heritage and tradition.

  The ego is an incredibly powerful force.

  The closest thing we have to an absolute is our context.

  I had hoped human nature would be the same wherever I went, in the
World, but it's not.

  Conservative thinking represents experience  while liberal thinking is
equated with new ideas.  The conflict is that we don't have enough
experience with the new ideas  and the old ideas are holding us back.
Meanwhile big business uses the technology.

  If we've learned anything from history it's that you can't have a
system of rules you have to have a system of trust.

  70% of all households in 1940 has at least one grandparent living with
them That generation changed the World and built the most advanced
powerful nation ever to exist on the Earth.

  Rather than admit to divine wisdom we avoid the truth that God is the
creator and maker of all things.  But then I'm not a scientist.

  I want to live in an America that's based upon trust and honesty, not
rampant paranoia and suspicion.

  The sanity you see in this country, the values, the admiration and
respect for one another, is because of people who bow to a higher
authority, God.

  We look back in history at the violence, carnage and even genocide and
wonder why?  How?  How could people have such little respect for life.
Future generations will look back on us and wonder how we could be so
humane as to over populate the Earth like we did.  We're so casual about
the mating rituals of our time and their effect on overpopulation,
everything from Madison avenue and fashion to the school prom.  If you're
looking for humanity look at your next social event.

  I wanted to make my way in life without harming anyone.  I sincerely
wanted to do good, but the liberal doesn't trust me or anyone else.  They
want to register everyone and certify our participation in society.

  We cant' even identify our heroes anymore in this age of suspicion and

  Science believes they can measure almost everything, but in reality
they can't measure anything or rather almost anything.  We can only
measure one thing at a time, or the change of one thing at a time, in a
universe of infinite calculations that is always changing.

  Young adults have the responsibility to propagate the species.  Mature
adults have the responsibility to guide society.  Both have failed to be

  If people want to communicate with me I know I can make their life
better and they mine.  Unfortunately there's too much pride.  People are
too busy posturing and putting up fronts to communicate.

  Knowledge is just a different form of imagination.

Physical matter is only a concept of mankind's sciences.

The devastation of our environment seems imminent. It's destruction
appears definite. Yet solutions are only conjecture and theory. How can we
win against these odds?

The only way we can get everyone to agree on something is to pass a law.
That's unfortunate.

A man who owns little is little owned.