How to reduce road costs.

  Our roadways would last 120 years if only automobiles
were allowed to drive on our roads.  Trucks reduce a
roads life expectancy to 20 years.
   Here's the solution: contract out all hauling to
small vehicle independent contractors.  This radical
solution creates more jobs and reduces or even eliminates
road maintenance costs and thereby taxes.
   "Not gonna happen," you'd so rightly say.  Why?
Mostly it's an economic control issue.  Large companies
couldn't control their product and would risk profits.
The bureaucratic and institutional processes they'd need
to develop and hire a multitude of small contractors
would take decades to develop and implement.
    "What about large loads?"  Good question.  What
about barges and rail reducing time on the road?  What
dismantling and reassembly of large goods?  What about
life style changes that don't require us to use services
from companies that have to haul megaton generators or
jet engines?  What about air lifting?  What about a
cleaner, simpler, healthier life style that allows us to
control our own resources?
   Is it so hard for society to admit its made mistakes
and redo something.  I guess so, so we pay excessive
transportation taxes and turn control of our lives over
to big business and government.