Radical economic incentives.

1)  Spam
   Junk mail is good.  Spam is good on a local level.  Door to door
marketing is good.  Telemarketing is good.  People must survive and
I'd rather have someone try to sell me something than stick a gun in my back.

2)  Piecework is illegal in the United States
yet industry relies on it's cost effectiveness in overseas markets which
sell to the U.S.  Legalizing piecework will bring manufacturing back to
the United States.

3)  Eliminate Infrastructure
   The government is protecting us to death.  In lifetime hours how many
people give their existence to keeping up with regulations.  Where's the
trade off?  It's political poison, but how many hours do we trade doing
paper work to save a life?

4) Regulation
    Did you know you have to be certified to sell flowers in Louisiana.
You probably knew already Grandma can't sell her pies at the county fair.
She needs a $20,000 licensed commissary inspected by the health

5) Resources
Manage resources not small business Let the bureaucrats manage the
public resources which big business has monopolized.  Eliminate tax cuts
on timber resources for example.  Profits from oil, gas, shell, gravel,
water, uranium, etc. etc. taken on public lands go into the pockets of big
business.  In fact what about mineral rights, that you or I can longer
buy?  Wouldn't these be in fact a public resource rather than legal loop
holes.  All resources affect all the people so let our democratic
government manage the resources and direct profits to public good.
