The Insanity of FAQs

   FAQ's provided an improvement to the flow of information on the
internet but there's a certain insanity with them where the same person
who asks the question answers it.  We can assume the person who writes the
FAQ section has been subjected to the questions, and they're synopsis is
valuable, but is this a window into the psychi of the information age?
  Step by step instructions are often well done in FAQs.  Links in an FAQ
show extra effort.  Something I'd like to see is a survey, tally or
reference about questions asked.   I've yet to see a reference to the
caller in a FAQ section: "Bob, from AnyTown, in Rhode Island asks ...,"
but it would add validty to the section.
  An improvement on the FAQ is the forum.  It's less direct but often
more detailed.  A search tool comes in handy to wade through the
verboseness of some forums to get to the information you need.  It would
be fun to experiment with script that indexes a forum for the reader.
