Magic Jobs

    It's Labor Day and the subject of jobs has come up with money
grabbing, vote grabbing, I'll say anything to sound like I really care,
politicians.  Bureaucrats must think jobs are created by magic.  No one's
buying T-bills, our debt, except for the federal government with their
monetization program (i.e. the federal government buys their own debt with
the money they've created), so how are they going to float the bonds to
pay for programs to create jobs and pork.
    The solution is far different than they think.  We need to deregulate
small business so they can get down to work and grow.  Right now a small
business can't function because of liability and regulation.  People will
sue over hot coffee, for goodness sake, and business people won't even
take the chance if they know there's a liability.  Then there's the
regulation.  It costs $2,000 to get a business lisence for a hair beading
business in Illinois and even more if you're a florist is Louisiana.
Municipalities are even shutting down lemonade stands operated by little
kids.  I say let grandma sell her baked goods, let people hawk their goods
on the street corner.  Instead we live in a paranoid and regulated society
that's smothered all potential for growth and the new jobs that could go
with it.  If people want to regulate something let them regulate resources
that small business can't get at anyway because it's monopolized by big
business who's shipped our economy overseas along with the resources that
we all, the people, own.
  Somehow the liberals forget that the federal reserve announced it's
third and final monetization program last year.  There's no more money.
Job growth is at zero (which is actually a loss of 125,000 jobs per
month). The economy is on life support.  The government cannot bring us
out of this recession and is only digging us deeper.  They've been trying
since 2007 and look!  Any minute now we may see a collapse.  The only
solution we have is small business.  Let it grow and you'll create jobs
and revenue, that will be enough in a year or two to sell more bonds to
finance more debit.  How's that sound Mr/Mz politician?