Flash in the Pan Programming

    So we've all had our 'flash in the pan' computer experiences by now,
you know, where we solve a complex problem quickly where we didn't even
know we knew the code and it all seems to come together to produce the
result. It's an intellectual high.   The problem is it's started to creep
in to expectations.  Business and people want it as the norm.
    My brother had an interesting observation.  The quality of his web
design went down when he didn't sketch it out on a clipboard first.  I'm
sure it's an age old adage, preparation, but the pressure is on to produce
more in less time, and setup is marginalized.  There's less and less
demand for thorough work when we can comprehend the solution and in this
information age that might be a dangerous direction to take.
   It's taken a while for the slow and methodical engineering efforts to
take over the internet, but they have, it seems, in most areas.  It's
getting almost impossible for the independent to compete where engineered
efforts have been established thereby making 'flash in the pan'
programming a novelty of the past.
