In Oct of 2009 a strange light phenomena appeared in the
sky over Norway, unexplained. Intrigue swept the world's
medias.  Pictures were featured in newspapers around the
world.  Some newspapers encourage comments and the
following appeared in the UK's Daily Mail regarding the
strange light:

This is a simple explanation, people of Earth. We are
testing our Particle Glaxonator! Our crab army might have
failed to take even one of your puny continents, and our
asteroid might have missed your earth by mere miles, and
our clone of Tiger Woods might have gone nuts after he
kidnapped Tiger and took over his life, but the
Glaxonator will not fail! Hahahhahaha! Prepare for the
end, Earth! Hold on a second... down, Codo! Get down!
Excuse me, I have to walk Codo now. But I'll be back!

- Ming Xanthar, Omega Galaxy, 10/12/2009 03:38

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