Responsibility of Cash

    In order for a society to survive all of its members must take
responsibility for their own actions.  That is why paying cash is so
important.  It empowers the citizens to take responsibility for their own
transactions.  They take responsibility for what they buy and how they use
   In a debit society the individual's transactions are being recorded.
More and more terms and conditions are set fort for the transaction, its
goods or service, and the disposition of such.  The individual looses
power and thereby motivation to take responsibility.
   When was the last time you bought something online without twenty
pages of fine print.  The corporate and bureaucratic mentality has moved
in to take responsibility for you with what you buy and how you use it.
  You can still take a stand by paying cash.  Sure you'll have to go into
the bank and withdraw from your account where automatic deposits are made,
but it will be worth it.  Paying cash not only supports freedom and
democracy, but is the best way to protect your identity.